Abstract: The rapid development of machine learning has brought a new mode to artificial intelligence research and furnished new opportunities to traditional sciences. In this lecture, Prof. Weinan E will discuss novel opportunities and challenges associated with the synergy of machine learning and traditional science from the perspective of the theory, algorithm, and applications.
Biography: Weinan E is a professor of mathematics and applied and computational mathematics at Princeton and a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Weinan E has received numerous awards, including the 2003 ICIAM Collatz Prize, the 2009 SIAM Kleinman Prize, the 2014 SIAM Theodore von Karman Prize, the 2019 Peter Henrici Prize by SIAM and ETH Zürich, and the 2020 ACM Gordon Bell Prize. He is also a member of the first class of AMS Fellows in 2009 and the first class of SIAM Fellows in 2012.