人员 > 科研教学系列 > 温家强



  • 简历
  • 科研
  • 教学
  • 发表论著


温家强,助理教授、博士生导师;研究领域为随机分析随机控制金融数学,尤其是倒向随机微分方程理论及其在随机最优控制、PDE和金融数学中的应用。2018年6月博士毕业于山东大学数学学院,曾赴 University of Central Florida 联合培养,导师为雍炯敏教授;2018年3月至9月在香港理工大学数学系做研究助理;2018年9月至20209月在南方科技大学数学系做博士后,导师为熊捷讲席教授;2020年9月至2023年6月任数学系访问助理教授;2023年7月至今任数学系/深圳国际数学中心双聘助理教授。获广东省杰青基金、深圳市海外高层次人才C类、南方科技大学优秀教学奖等。


  1. Tao Hao, Ying Hu, Shanjian Tang, and Jiaqiang Wen, Mean-field backward stochastic differential equations and nonlocal PDEs with quadratic growth. The Annals of Applied Probability (to appear), arXiv:2211.05676, 2025. 
  2. Ying Hu, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong, Backward doubly stochastic differential equations and SPDEs with quadratic growth, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 175 (2024) 104405.
  3. Jiaqiang Wen, Xun Li, Jie Xiong, and Xin Zhang, Stochastic Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems with Random Coefficients and Markovian Regime Switching System,  SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61: 949–979, 2023.

  4. Jingrui Sun, Hanxiao Wang, Jiaqiang Wen, Zero-Sum Stackelberg Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Differential Games, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61: 250–282, 2023.

  5. Yufeng Shi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong, On non-Markovian backward doubly stochastic differential equations and path-dependent stochastic PDEs, Stochastics, 95: 396–422, 2023.

  6. Jingrui Sun, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong, General Indefinite Backward Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 28 (2022) 35.

  7. Ying Hu, Xun Li, and Jiaqiang Wen, Anticipated backward stochastic differential equations with quadratic growth, Journal of Differential Equations, 270 (2021), 1298–1311.

  8. Jiaqiang Wen, Xun Li, and Jie Xiong, Weak Closed-Loop Solvability of Stochastic Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems of Markovian Regime Switching System, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 84 (2021), 535–565.

  9. Yufeng Shi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong, Backward doubly stochastic Volterra integral equations and their applications, Journal of Differential Equations, 269 (2020), 6492–6528.


  • 广东省自然科学基金-杰青项目,2025.01.01--2028.12.31,获批,主持.
  • 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,2022.01-2024.12,项目变化:12101291,在研,主持.
  • 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,2022.01.01--2024.12.31,项目编号:2022A1515012017,在研,主持.
  • 深圳市自然科学基金-面上项目2023.10.26--2026.10.31,项目编号:JCYJ20230807093309021,在研,主持
  • 广东省教改项目,省级项目,2024.01--2026.12,项目编号: SJZLGC202315,在研,主持.
  • 国家科学技术部-国家重点研发计划,2023.01.01--2027.12.31,项目编号:2022YFA1006102,在研,核心成员.
  • 中国博士后科学基金-面上项目,2020.01.01--2020.12.31项目编号:2019M660968, 结题,主持.




27 July – 31 July 2024, International Workshop on Probability Theory and Stochastic Analysis, Weihai, Moderator

2023年11月24-27日,第二届概率论与随机控制国际研讨会 (南方科技大学,深圳),会议组织者








27 June – 1 July 2022, The 42th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Wuhan, Invited Speaker








21–23 September 2017, AMS Sectional Meeting, UCF, Orlando, FL, USA, Participant.


 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
• IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
• ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
• Applied Mathematics and Optimization

• Journal of Differential Equations

• Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk

• Stochastic Processes and their Applications

• Stochastic Analysis and Applications

• Stochastics–An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Reports

• Science China: Mathematics

• Science China: Informationis

• Statistics and Probability Letters
• Mathematical Control and Related Fields
• Optimal Control, Applications and Methods
• Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
• Asian Journal of Control 


温家强课题组每年招收博士生/硕士生各1-2名,常年招聘博士后。有意者请将相关材料发送至 wenjq@sustech.edu.cn




1、博士后聘用期两年,年薪 33 万元起,含广东省生活补贴15万元及深圳市生活补贴6 万元,并按深圳市有关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金。博士后福利费参照学校教职工标准发放。


3、在站期间,可依托学校申请深圳市公租房,未依托学校使用深圳市公租房的博士后,可享受两年税前2800元/月的 住房补贴。


5、课题组协助符合条件的博士后申请“广东省海外人才支持项目”。即在世界排名前200名的高校(不含境内,排名以上一年度泰晤士、USNEWS、QS 和上海交通大学的世界大学排行榜为准)获得博士学位,在广东省博士后设站单位从事博士后研究,并承诺在站2年以上的博士后,申请成功后省财政给予每名进站博士后资助60万元生活补贴(与广东省及深圳市在站博士后生活补贴不同时享受);对获得本项目资助,出站后与广东省用人单位签订工作协议或劳动合同并承诺连续在粤工作3年以上的博士后,省财政给予每人40万元住房补贴。


7、根据《深圳市新引进博士人才生活补贴工作实施办法》规定,新引进博士人才生活补贴 (10万元) 与省市博士后在站生活补贴不同时享受。

  1. Yufeng Shi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Zhi Yang. Large Deviation Principle for Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with a stochastic Lipschitz condition on z. Stochastics and Dynamics, doi.org/10.1142/S0219493724500436, 2024.
  2. Ying Hu, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. Backward doubly stochastic differential equations and SPDEs with quadratic growth. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 175 (2024) 104405. 
  3. Jiaqiang Wen, Xun Li, Jie Xiong, and Xin Zhang. Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems with Random Coefficients and Markovian Regime Switching System. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61(2) : 949–979, 2023.
  4. Jingrui Sun, Hanxiao Wang, and Jiaqiang Wen. Zero-Sum Stackelberg Stochastic LinearQuadratic Differential Games. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61(1) : 250–282, 2023. 
  5. Yufeng Shi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. Forward-backward doubly stochastic systems and classical solutions of path-dependent stochastic PDEs. Stochastics, 95(3) : 396–422, 2023. 
  6. Jingrui Sun, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. General indefinite backward stochastic linearquadratic optimal control problems. ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 28 : Paper No. 35, 17, 2022. 
  7. Tao Hao, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. Solvability of a class of mean-field BSDEs with quadratic growth. Statistics & Probability Letters, 191 : 109652, 2022. 
  8. Ying Hu, Xun Li, and Jiaqiang Wen. Anticipated backward stochastic differential equations with quadratic growth. Journal of Differential Equations, 270 : 1298–1331, 2021.  
  9. Jiaqiang Wen, Xun Li, and Jie Xiong. Weak Closed-Loop Solvability of Stochastic Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems of Markovian Regime Switching System. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 84(1) : 535–565, 2021.
  10. Yufeng Shi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. Mean-Field Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 37(7) : 1156–1170, 2021. 
  11. Yufeng Shi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. Backward doubly stochastic Volterra integral equations and their applications. Journal of Differential Equations, 269(9) : 6492–6528, 2020.
  12. Jiaqiang Wen and Yufeng Shi. Symmetrical martingale solutions of backward doubly stochastic Volterra integral equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79(5) : 1435–1446, 2020. 
  13. Jiaqiang Wen and Yufeng Shi. Solvability of anticipated backward stochastic Volterra integral equations. Statistics & Probability Letters, 156 : 108599, 2020.
  14. Jiaqiang Wen and Yufeng Shi. Backward doubly stochastic differential equations with random coefficients and quasilinear stochastic PDEs. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 476(1) : 86–100, 2019.
  15. Soukaina Douissi, Jiaqiang Wen, and Yufeng Shi. Mean-field anticipated BSDEs driven by fractional Brownian motion and related stochastic control problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 355 : 282–298, 2019.
  16. Tao Hao, Ying Hu, Shanjian Tang, and Jiaqiang Wen. Mean-field backward stochastic differential equations and nonlocal PDEs with quadratic growth, arXiv:2211.05676. 
  17. Jiaqiang Wen, Zhen Wu, and Qi Zhang. Dynamic programming principle for delayed stochastic recursive optimal control problem and HJB equation with non-Lipschitz generator, arXiv:2205.03052v3.
  18. Tao Hao, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. Maximum principle for a Markovian regime switching system under model uncertainty, arXiv:2309.10454. 
  19. Tao Hao, Jiaqiang Wen, and Qi Zhang. A local maximum principle for robust optimal control problems of quadratic BSDEs, arXiv:2401.07029.
  20. Tao Hao, Jiaqiang Wen, and Jie Xiong. A Global Maximum Principle for Controlled Conditional Mean-field FBSDEs with Regime Switching, arXiv:2212.01559.
  21. Jiaqiang Wen. Fractional backward stochastic differential equations with delayed generator, arXiv:2211.16826. 





2022.9–present,  Leader of Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2024.2–2024.6,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2023.9–2024.1,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2023.2–2023.6,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2022.9–2023.1,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2022.3–2022.7,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2021.9–2022.1,  Instructor, Mathematical Analysis, MA101a

• 2021.9–2022.1,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2021.3–2021.7,  Instructor, Probability, MA215

• 2020.9–2021.1,  Instructor, Probability and Statistics, MA212

• 2019.9–2020.1,  Teaching Assistant, Essential Probability, MATH8011

• 2019.3–2019.7,  Teaching Assistant, Calculus II, MA102B

• 2019.3–2019.7,  Teaching Assistant, Stochastic Process, MA208