
【数学系邀请报告】Robust and efficient preconditioning methods for various Maxwell systems


We shall review in this talk some robust and efficient preconditioning methods for solving various Maxwell systems, including the time-harmonic Maxwell system, the electromagnetic scattering system with PML technique, and the TE and TM Maxwell systems with high wave numbers. We will address the constructions, analyses and numerical performance of these preconditioners.

About the speaker

Jun ZOU is Choh-Ming Li Chair Professor of Mathematics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong , and Chairman of Department of Mathematics. Before taking up his current position in Hong Kong, he had worked two years (93-95) in University of California at Los Angeles as a post-doctoral fellow and a CAM Assistant Professor , worked two and a half years (91-93) in Technical University of Munich as a Visiting Assistant Professor and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (Germany), and worked two years (89-91) in Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) as an Assistant Professor.  Jun Zou was elected as a Fellow of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) in 2019.