In this talk, the family of high-order targeted essentially non-oscillatory汀ENO) schemes are reviewed for general hyperbolic conservation laws ,vith an emphasis on the high-speed turbulent flows. As a novel variant of the popular weighted ENO (WENO) scheme, the TENO scheme re团ns the sh叩shock-capturing capab山ty of WENO and is suitable for resolving turbulence ,vith controllable low numerical dissipation. Tue key success of TENO relies on a strong scale-separation procedure and the tailored novel ENO-like stencil selection strategy. In addition, the built-in candidate stencils ,vith incremental ,vidth facilitate the construction of arbitrarily high-order (both odd- and even- order) schemes featuring superior robustness. In this presentation, the fi江st-ever extension of TENO schemes to unstructured meshes ,vith arbitrarily high-order reconstructions and mesh-element types ,vill be presented. The tailored stencil arrangement and the new TENO weighting strategy for unstructured meshes ,vill be elaborated. Detailed comparisons between WENO and TENO schemes ,vith both structured and unstructured meshes ,vill be discussed. (Part of this work has been achieved by collaborating ,vith Dr. Zhe Ji.)