
On a model of surface imaging with double negative metamaterial


 We consider the problem of imaging a periodic surface by acoustic or electromagnetic waves. A slab of double negative metamaterial is placed above the surface and the scattered field is measured on the top boundary of the slab. The imaged surface is assumed to be a small perturbation of the flat surface so that we can make a transformed field expansion to linearize the problem and obtain a simple reconstruction formula. We show by analysis of the formula and numerical experiments that the resolution of the reconstruction can be greatly enhanced due to the double negative slab. 

Short bio 
王玉亮博士 通过香港赛马会奖学金由南京大学转学至香港浸会大学,获得数学科学学士学位。之后相继获得香港中文大学数学硕士学位和密歇根州立大学应用数学博士学位。历任普渡大学访问助理教授和香港浸会大学研究助理教授。2020 年10 月起任职北京师范大学自然科学高等研究院数学研究中心副教授,兼任北师港浸大理工科技部应用数学专业副教授。王博士的主要研究领域为反问题,计算数学和数学建模。